Cassie King
Published on
June 30, 2017

Animal Rights News Recap 6/30/2017

The six hens rescued from a San Francisco slaughterhouse during the first DxE daylight Open Rescue are recovering well from their severe health issues.

During its screenings of Okja, a movie theater company has decided to offer an all-vegetarian menu, which shows, despite the presence of cow's milk on the menu, that the movie has gotten people thinking about the violence involved in eating animals.


The Animal Agriculture Alliance listed Direct Action Everywhere as one of the seven biggest threats to animal agriculture.


DxE has a new chapter in North Dakota!

A PETA supporter protested a barbecue festival by dangling from a "meat hook" in between two pig "carcasses," reminding attendees that eating an animal means eating a corpse.


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  2. Join a local DxE community (or, better yet, come visit us in Berkeley).
  3. Take the Liberation Pledge. And join us in building a true social movement for animals.

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