Our Campaigns

Our campaigns are designed to grab media attention, generate conversation, disrupt speciesism, secure instrumental and symbolic victories, and move us along our Roadmap to an Animal Bill of Rights. Here’s what we’re working on now:

UC Berkeley: Drop Factory Farms

Students at UC Berkeley are pressuring administrators to drop some of their cruelest suppliers, including Tyson, and begin to transition to serving only plant-based food in campus dining halls.

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UC Berkeley: Drop Factory Farms

Students at UC Berkeley are pressuring administrators to drop some of their cruelest suppliers, including Tyson, and begin to transition to serving only plant-based food in campus dining halls.

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No More Factory Farms

A campaign for a moratorium on the construction and expansion of factory farms and slaughterhouses in California. In 2022, our campaign became an official bill in the California State Assembly: AB 2764.

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No More Factory Farms

A campaign for a moratorium on the construction and expansion of factory farms and slaughterhouses in California. In 2022, our campaign became an official bill in the California State Assembly: AB 2764.

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Open Rescue

Open rescue is the act of rescuing animals from exploitation without hiding your identity. DxE’s open rescue network has rescued hundreds of animals from exploitation and abuse and has been featured in the largest media outlets in the world.

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Open Rescue

Open rescue is the act of rescuing animals from exploitation without hiding your identity. DxE’s open rescue network has rescued hundreds of animals from exploitation and abuse and has been featured in the largest media outlets in the world.

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Rose's Law

Rose’s Law - a law enshrining rights for all animals - is the end-point of DxE’s strategic roadmap. Through this campaign, activists raise awareness about the need for true rights for animals and normalize the idea of animal personhood.

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Rose's Law

Rose’s Law - a law enshrining rights for all animals - is the end-point of DxE’s strategic roadmap. Through this campaign, activists raise awareness about the need for true rights for animals and normalize the idea of animal personhood.

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