
Wayne Hsiung

Published on:

March 7, 2016

5 Amazing Things They Said Animals Couldn't Do

5 AMAZING Things They Said Animals Couldn't Do

From puzzle-solving pigs to exfoliating bears, animals are uncanny. 


 Santino knows he will be mad later in the day, so he's collecting and stashing rocks.
Santino knows he will be mad later in the day, so he's collecting and stashing rocks.

Psychologists used to say that animals “live in the present.” But a chimp in Sweden named Santino proved them wrong when he started stashing rocks very early in the morning at hiding places in his zoo enclosure -- before visitors arrived. Santino wanted to be ready to pelt zoo visitors with rocks later in the day, when he was angry at them for gawking! 


 Pigs will naturally learn to solve puzzles that infant humans fail at.
Pigs will naturally learn to solve puzzles that infant humans fail at.

Pigs are remarkably inquisitive animals who have can be taught to play video games, interpret symbolic language, and solve jigsaw puzzles.


 A crow prepares to bury his food... and hide it somewhere else if someone is watching.
A crow prepares to bury his food... and hide it somewhere else if someone is watching.

Crows will notice that another crow is watching them hide their food, and rebury it elsewhere after the other crow has turned away. 


 When this bear needs to clean her skin, she does what we all do -- she finds a tool!
When this bear needs to clean her skin, she does what we all do -- she finds a tool!

Wild bears have been seen using rocks to exfoliate. Keep that skin nice and healthy! 


 Mother hens will risk their own lives to save their children.
Mother hens will risk their own lives to save their children.

Mother hens become upset simply from observing their chicks in distress, including physical responses such as increased heart rate and lowered eye temperature. They literally feel what their loved ones are feeling -- a sign of true love! 

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