Animal Rights Activists Satirize Berkeley College Republicans' Animal Rights Barbecue

The Berkeley College Republicans held an "animal rights barbecue" today to mock animal rights activists, but DxE and Berkeley Organization for Animal Advocacy showed up and acted like it was a real animal rights barbecue, with tofurkey sausage, animal rights songs, and more. From the Daily Californian:
“BCR have been planning a barbecue of animals who have lived tortured lives,” said Zach Groff, a spokesperson for Direct Action Everywhere. “They are selling these tortured bodies.”
Matt Johnson, an organizer for the Berkeley Animal Rights Center, said the event was organized as a direct response to BCR’s “Animal Rights BBQ,” which he said was “mocking” the animal rights movement.
“We are on a mission to make Berkeley the most animal-friendly city,” Johnson said. “History tells us the rest of the country is bound to follow.”
Read more here.
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