
Cassie King

Published on:

July 28, 2017

Animal Rights News Recap 7/28/2017

DxE St. Louis got press for their disruption of a pig roast at a local restaurant, getting the message out that there is no such thing as "humane meat."


DxE Toronto and Toronto Save Movement joined together and took to the streets to speak out against the exploitation of backyard chickens.


Also in Toronto, a slaughterhouse vigil was covered in the news showing the urgency of this issue.


DxE Twin Cities held their first Earthlings Experience, where they invited the public to view clips of the film and had meaningful conversations with many.

Want to get involved? DxE is a grassroots network focused on empowering you to be the best activist you can be. Here are some steps you can take. 

  1. Sign up to our mailing list and share our content on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. 
  2. Join a local DxE community --or start your own!
  3. Take the Liberation Pledge. And join us in creataing a true social justice movement for animals.