Cassie King
Published on
April 28, 2017

Animal Rights News Recap 4/28/2017

On Earth Day, DxE Raleigh disrupted a restaurant to speak up for the earthlings who were exploited and called "food."


DxE Sao Paulo held an eye-catching demonstration to show the violence behind animal exploitation. 

DxE New York City brought a message of love for all animals into an establishment which was selling animal body parts.


DxE Lowcountry revealed the truth behind "cage-free" eggs with a demonstration inside of a grocery store.


Annie continues to recover after her recent rescue from a "cage-free" egg farm where she was severely emaciated.

Want to get involved? DxE is a grassroots network focused on empowering you to be the best activist you can be. Here are some steps you can take. 

  1. Sign up to our mailing list and share our content on social media. 
  2. Join a local DxE community (or, better yet, come visit us in Berkeley).
  3. Take the Liberation Pledge. And join us in building a true social movement for animals.

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