Wayne Hsiung
Published on
June 26, 2014

Buzzfeed on Chipotle: this Scarecrow is a Scam!


by Wayne Hsiung

Buzzfeed pointed out yesterday what DxE has been saying since our campaign launched last October. Chipotle is not all it's cracked up to be! On issues ranging from racial diversity to workers' rights to (of course) the treatment of animals, the Chipotle empire has been built up on a foundation of mirrors and lies.

The post is well worth a read. But among the most gratifying aspects of the post? Almost all of the material, including many specific details, could have been specifically lifted from our campaign! 

Great work to the entire DxE network not just on exposing this one particular company but on puncturing the humane myth narrative that serves as a lynchpin for the entire system of animal agriculture.  

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