Wayne Hsiung
Published on
June 5, 2014

Introducing... the DxE Member Contribution Network

by DxE

At DxE, our mission is to build a stronger movement, and we are always looking for contributions from our community. We thus developed the Member Contribution Network (MCN) to better integrate our community members into our core activism. 

Based on insights gleaned from the technology world, the MCN is a simple way to give structured tasks to our members. It establishes a process to integrate feedback from key members into our activism and decision-making. Finally, it helps us to acknowledge the contributions of our members, and measure progress toward objectives, in a transparent and objective way. 

Among the tasks integrated into the MCN: 

- Bringing someone to a DxE protest or event.
- Assisting with video editing or videography.
- Helping with pre- or post- event logistics (e.g. clean-up).
- Write or speak about DxE's campaigns and activism. 

To participate, all you have to do is send us an email or contact one of our core organizers and let them know that you'd like to help. We'll send you an additional email with explanation for how the MCN works, and you can get started immediately. 

That's it! Everything else will happen anonymously, and behind the scenes. 

Why participate? The first and most important reason, of course, is that it will strengthen our activism and community. However, key contributors to the MCN also will:

- Receive invites to our monthly "core contributor" gatherings where we explain how decisions at DxE are made, as well as show our appreciation for (and seek feedback from) our most dedicated volunteers;
- Be invited to join our campaign organizers mailing list, where you will receive regular strategic updates on our campaign objectives;
- Receive acknowledgment via facebook or email (at your choice) for significant contributions to our community and activism; and
- Establish a path, and set out preliminary steps, toward becoming a core organizer. 

Don't like the concept of the MCN? No worries at all. We have ways to integrate your contributions and feedback, even if you'd rather not participate in this more formal process! Just let us know you'd like to help, and we'll put you to work. 

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