Cassie King
Published on
June 23, 2017

Animal Rights News Recap 6/23/2017

The New York City Council voted to prohibit the use of wild animals in circuses!


Activists in Russia executed the first open rescue in their country, saving three turkeys and sharing their stories.


DxE Toronto activists disrupted a community "Gone Fishin'" event that teaches participants how to kill fish who are loaded into a swimming pool.

Nearly 300 activists came together in Ottawa, Canada's capital, to march for an end to all slaughterhouses.


Want to get involved? DxE is a grassroots network focused on empowering you to be the best activist you can be. Here are some steps you can take. 

  1. Sign up to our mailing list and share our content on social media. 
  2. Join a local DxE community (or, better yet, come visit us in Berkeley).
  3. Take the Liberation Pledge. And join us in building a true social movement for animals.

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